Disclaimer and privacy policy

Personal data protection code
Italian Legislative Decree n. 196/2003 introduced the personal data protection code. In compliance with the code, all personal data processing that our company carries out is based on principles of correctness, legality, transparency and protection of the privacy and rights of the parties the data refer to. Lorenzo Primultini is the “Data Processing Controller” and will provide you with the information you need regarding the use of your personal data.

Data processing purpose
The personal data you provide will be processed by our company to enable receiving and satisfying your requests and supplying the services you require.

Optional data
Remember that you are not obliged to grant us your personal data, but refusal could mean we are unable to process your request.

Categories of entities who could receive the data or who could learn of the data in their capacities as Managers or Officials
Your personal data could be communicated exclusively to the data processing controller and representative, to the site managers and employees of Primultini, srl, who have been identified as data processing operators. For the purposes as described above (see paragraph Data Processing Purpose), outside companies could learn of your personal data who we use to supply web services, further to appointment by us as Responsible for Data Processing, and they will guarantee the same level of protection.

Data processing method
The data you provide us with will be processed by internal and external employees and clerks of Primultini, srl, for conducting surveys into the satisfaction of our customers, users and subscribers, and for providing the services. Registration may be requested for access to certain sites and services owned by Primultini, srl which need password protection. For security and transparency reasons, you must provide true and accurate information in the registration form, and immediately inform Primultini, srl of any changes that affect registration (name or address for example). Primultini, srl has the right to deny you access to the sites and services that are protected by password, by blocking your username and password at any time and without prior notice or motivation.The data you provide will be collected electronically, and will be registered and processed on magnetic medium and will be filed in our databases that could also be hosted by the server farms of hosting suppliers outside the EU.

Personal data security measures
Our company implements all the organisational, physical and logical measures to protect data security, with particular reference to Annex B with D.P.R. n. 196/2003 – Technical regulations governing minimum security measures.

Rights of the person concerned.
You may always exercise the rights established by article 7 of Legislative decree n. 196/2003, including the right to access your data, request the update or, if needed, the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking the data. In particular, the person concerned whose data are processed has the right to obtain:

  • Confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form
  • An indication of the origin of the personal data
  • An indication of the purpose and methods of processing
  • An indication of the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments
  • An indication of the details of the processing controller, managers and representatives appointed as per article 5, paragraph 2.
  • An indication of the parties or categories of parties who may receive the data or who may learn of the data in their capacity as appointed represented in the territory, managers or officials

The person concerned also has the right to obtain:

  • The updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of the data.
  • The cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including those which do not need conserving in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.
  • Information on the precise method the personal data is communicated or disseminated, unless this request is impossible or involves the use of resources that are manifestly out of proportion with respect to the protected right.

You have the right to oppose, in all or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data that concern you, even if they are pertinent to the purpose of collection.

Note for parents
To protect the interest of minors, Primultini, srl does not knowingly collect any personal data about minors below 15 years of age without prior notice and authorisation from a parent or guardian.

Automatic collection of impersonal data and cookies
When a user accesses our website, we can collect additional technical data that can not be considered personal data (e.g. type of internet browser and operating system, the website domain name it comes from, the average time spent in the site, etc.). These data are used for internal purposes to assess and improve the image of our site. When you visit our site, we may collect other impersonal data through the cookies. A cookie is a small software item that a website may send to the user’s browser, and which may be stored on your hard disk. Primultini, srl does not save any personal data through the cookies, but we may link the cookie to any other data we collect, and use the cookies for our advertising. For example, cookies may be used to check the number of times a user (not personally identified) views a specific advert, to enable us to address specific marketing messages to those users who are probably more interested. We do not have access to cookies imported from others or to the data they may contain.

Acceptance of privacy
By using this site, you agree to our privacy policy. If you disagree with this policy, please do not use this site. We may change or modify this policy without notice, so please periodically check this news.

Designations and contacts
The Personal Data Processing controller is Primultini, srl registered office in Viale Europa 70 - 36035 Marano Vicentino (VI) Italy, in the person of the Legal Representative Lorenzo Primultini. The Personal Data Processing manager is Primultini, srl, in the person of the Legal Representative Lorenzo Primultini. Telephone: +39 0445 560333 - Email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.